Sri Lanka

R. S. Kasmira Jayaweera

R. S. Kasmira Jayaweera(18 years old)

Establish inner peace and establish peace among people

What is peace for you?

When the heart and feel at peace, and tranquility in relationships.
Peace is like a huge castle.

Learn new languages and use artistic methods to promote peace.

Konnichiwa! Watachiwa Kasmira Desu. Hi! I am Kasmira Jayaweera from Sri Lanka. Today the topic of my speech is “PEACE IS A PIECE OF CAKE.”
To my mind, the definition of peace is when you feel serene in two things. First, serenity in the connection between you and your heart, and second, serenity in the connections between you and other people.
With the stress of responsibilities and rapid revolutions, we feel very disconnected from our hearts. We work like machines and think like legends but what about our souls? We have lost the tranquility and passion our ancestors had when they listened to the sound of the earth.
So, in this 21st century, what are the new ways we can use to gain Serenity at heart?
In my experience, inner peace was not actually focusing only on myself. We are always so full of ourselves, so peace was the room in my heart that was dedicated to others – looking at others’ stories, listening to what they have to say, and rethinking them calmly. That gave me a Noble realization about people and life which felt like a peaceful enlightenment. The more stories I heard, the easier I felt at heart because I was unshaken by the unexpected.
Let’s move on to the next: Feeling serene in the connections between you and other people.
Rather than following the methodical ways of promoting peace in public, we should try to do it more naturally and effortlessly. For instance, stop calling it “promoting peace”. Let’s call it learning a new language.
When I began studying Japanese, I also began to feel the beauty of Sakura more than I ever did. Learning multiple languages develops mutual awareness, respect, and a sense of our ness among students. That is why it became my dream to become a linguistic teacher and start my own language center, not only to teach languages but also to develop deeper bonds between different cultures with an artistic approach that will include short films, poems, and dramas representing peace and togetherness.
Another easy step for promoting peace is to help each other. I started a little community called “Challengers Community” during the Covid-19 pandemic and helped many teenagers and adolescents from Sri Lanka, India, and China to cope with their mental conflicts. I personally contacted them and gave them advice. It was amazing how we could feel each other despite our geographical boundaries. We shared information related to general knowledge, Motivational thoughts daily, and it gave me a sublime pleasure to inspire some of them even to become writers.
Here’s the essence of my story, Peace is like a huge castle. Every single brick that built it up matters. Just like that, peace depends on your smallest actions – friendships, compassion, and acceptance. To conclude, let me say, sometimes peace might begin with just “I am sorry.”

Arigato Gozaimas!