We are looking for speech videos of "Ideas to Create World Peace"
for those aged 10-19 years old.


Planning for worldwide distribution!

We plan to broadcast live on the day of the Summit.
Follow us on SNS for the latest information!


Application Requirements

Applicants must be
between the ages of 10 and 19 as of August 20, 2024.

Anyone between the ages of 10 and 19 may apply. Groups (videos showing more than one person) are also welcome to apply.
*If you apply as a group, only one representative is allowed to make a presentation as a representative of the children.

Those who submit the most outstanding works will be invited to give a speech as a representative of children at 5th Children’s World Peace Summit on August 20, 2024 at the House of Representative Members Office Building.   
Please understand that there will be meetings and events on the following dates. 

Events it will need to attend if you are selected as a child representative
The child representatives will be announced in late May 2024.

(i) Participate in online or in-person face to face meetings. (Scheduled about twice in May and June) Language will be Japanese or English.
(ii) Please participate on-site at the Children’s World Peace Summit at the House of Representatives on August 20, 2024.
*In principle, on-site participation is required. If you are unable to participate on-site for unavoidable reasons, please contact us after you have been selected as a child representative.
(iii) Due to the interpreter, the speech language of the children’s representatives at the Children’s World Peace Summit should be Japanese or English.
(iv) As the Summit will be conducted in Japanese,
it is necessary for the participants or their leaders to be able to understand the Japanese language instructions.
(v) We ask that participants make their own travel and accommodation arrangements and bear their own expenses.

The works and theme

What is Peace for you?
Your Ideas for Peace in the World is.

~What is your idea of "peace"? Give a speech about your idea to make the world peaceful.~

The word “peace” in a nutshell has an abstract meaning. First, let’s think about what “peace” means to you, and then try to define “peace” by saying, “Peace means ____.
If you find it difficult to think about peace, you can think about world peace by thinking of someone around you whom you would like to make happy, and asking yourself, “What would make that person happy? There are many other ways to do this, such as looking at newspapers, thinking from recent news, or interviewing friends and family.

Then, once you have a definition of “peace,” you can think about what you can do to achieve that world peace. For example, “Is there anything I can do through my committee or club activities?” or “Is there anything I can do through my dreams for the future?”, let’s think about what you and everyone else can and want to do together with your friends, school teachers, and family, connecting it to your own dreams.
Please share your ideas for creating world peace through free thinking.

We would like to see speeches that focus on “peace,”
such as “Peace is the fact that there is ________” or “I feel peace when there is ________.

If you are giving a speech from the perspective of “peace is the absence of ________,” give a speech about why the absence of ________ would lead to peace. (Example: I think it would be peaceful if we could eliminate weapons from the world and solve problems through discussion. I want to create peace by learning the languages and cultures of many countries and making friends with people from all over the world so that we can discuss conflicts when they occur.)

 (Reference) "Peace Class" for ideas to create peace

Online Classes to Create Peace
Chapter 1: “Peace Ranking”
L Which country do you think is the most peaceful country in the world?
L When you were told the most peaceful country in the world, what kind of peaceful landscape did you envision?
Chapter 2: Peace Activities
Final Chapter: Peace and Children

How to apply

First, please prepare two items: a 1- to 3-minute speech video and a speech manuscript.

If you are ready for the above two items
apply for the Children's World Peace Summit!

When applying, a parent or guardian of the applicant must fill out the application form on the official website.
Your application is complete when you receive an auto-reply e-mail.
*We do not accept any questions about how to operate the system or inquiries about whether your application is complete.

*You must have a Google account to apply. The application period is from April 1 to April 30, 2024  May 6, 2024.

 Criteria for selection

Basically, the children’s representatives will be selected from those who meet all of the following selection criteria. 
➀ Whether submitted two items: a video and a speech manuscript or not.
② Whether the speech contains words that refer to what peace is or not.
③ Whether the speech contains “ideas for achieving peace” or not.

(For reference) In the past, the finalists were those whose entries had the following characteristics: “original,” “sounds fun,” “has a dream,” “concrete,” “directly related to future dreams,” “can be tackled immediately,” “appeal for cooperation,” and “own experiences.”

 How to notice the selection result

The results will be announced upon notification of the selection of the children’s representative.
The child representatives will be contacted by Mid-May to early June 2024, at the e-mail address to which they submitted their application.
At that time, we will ask the parent/guardian to agree to attend the Summit on August 20, and we will determine the date of the online meeting (face to face meeting).

 Copyright Notice

Although the copyright of the submitted work belongs to the applicant, it shall be deemed agreed that the work may be used, published, reprinted, or publicly transmitted free of charge and for an indefinite period of time, by Peace Piece Project and third parties authorized by us for the purpose of implementing and promoting the Children’s World Peace Summit (including publicity, press releases, and event announcements).

【Examples of use】
・Use on Peace Piece Project’s website and activity reports. 
・Use on SNS such as Twitter of Peace Piece Project. 
・Media coverage on TV, newspapers, magazines, etc.


We, Peace Piece Project, are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of the submitted work by the applicant or any third party.