Cote d'Ivoire

Lyman Chaïl Diby-Dagry

Lyman Chaïl Diby-Dagry(16 years old)

Creation of a clothing brand (atouhh for Peace Collection)

What is peace for you?

Moral Values and Conduct

#atouhh which consists of a video of us hugging someone
or us acting for peace#atouhh

Peace is defined as a state of concord, agreement, between citizens, social groups, absence of social conflicts, social unrest. A situation of well-being, calm, prosperity and security, circumstances untainted by any defect.
As young people, we think that peace is first of all sincerity, truth, consideration, indifference, and above all love of one’s neighbour. Peace is a powerful word that has remained indivisible as Felix Houphouet Boigny says “Today more than in the successive eras that humanity has gone through, world peace is indivisible”.

Unfortunately, peace is not always respected nowadays. Many conflicts and tensions persist across the world, ranging from large-scale armed conflicts to interpersonal conflicts within communities. The reasons for these conflicts are many and varied, ranging from religious, ethnic and cultural differences to economic and political conflicts. As young citizens, we have to act to make peace more resilient.

Peace starts by education. It is above all a moral value that must be taught within the family unit to children because children are the future that’s why we encourage all parents to take time to talk with their children without taboo subjects to show them the behaviour related to peace and behaviours against peace

Peace is an important goal for many people and organizations around the world so although peace is taught from homes, it should also be taught in full schools and we can create peace-teaching workshops to young people who have dropped out of school.

Afterward we propose to create a clothing brand which every actor of peace will have to wear will have to cuddle, talk together even if they do not know each other. This clothing brand will be called the “Atouhh”. Atouhh is a word in Ivoirian, which means a hug. So of course while wearing the clothing band we will have to hug because the hug is medical, it is restorative and is a source of joy. This clothing brand will be a recognizer for the members of the peace clan.

Besides the clothing brand, we also propose to create the # Atouhh a challenge on social networks. For the Atouhh challenge we will have to do a video in which we will hug sincerely, we chose a clothing brand and a challenge because nowadays we can easily captivate the attention of the youth by those ways to finally educate the youth for peace.

We need your help for the creation of all these.

Together let’s struggle for peace to build a better world where peace will reign.
Thank You