
Thoon Jing Wen

Thoon Jing Wen(10 years old)

Using social media to connect the world and bring more smiles

What is peace for you?

Keep everyone smiling.

Create an app called PeaceBeyond to unite people.

Hello everyone, I am Jing Wen from Malaysia and I’m 10 years old.
What is peace? Peace holds a slightly different meaning for everyone. But, we all agree on one thing – Peace means putting a smile on everyone’s face.
To create world peace, it is important to start young and unite people by having a better understanding about each other. I suggest creating a global app to reach everyone in the world.
The app will be named PeaceBeyond. PeaceBeyond will be fun. It will have mini games, simulating simple, real life scenarios. This will initiate useful discussions with parents and teachers, guiding us on how to handle certain situations and instilling good values.
PeaceBeyond will come with a chat function, a wall to post daily updates and it will also have different chatrooms for various interest groups. For example, cooking, photography, sports etc., even chatrooms for parents to share ideas on how to bring up children with a healthy mindset. I am from Malaysia, a multiracial nation. I learn how to respect the differences we have by understanding each other more. Also, when there is a common goal or interest, it pulls us closer, reducing the possibility of a conflict. To unite children around the world, we need to understand more about each other. Travelling is good, but it requires time and money, and not everyone has that. This, however, is possible with PeaceBeyond. Children from different parts of the world can post about our daily lives and we can bond through our interest. Once we have a common interest and learn more about each other through daily updates and discussions, we will feel connected. This means more friends, more smiles!
PeaceBeyond will aim to cultivate a positive mindset and good habits from young. There will be mini challenges. For example, do a good deed or journal 3 things you are grateful for weekly. Make them simple and achievable. Give incentives to encourage consistency. Once it’s done regularly, good habits will be instilled forever.
In conclusion, start young as children are the leaders of tomorrow. Use social media to connect the world and create more smiles. Thank you!