Côte d’Ivoire

Zango Dekao Cheick Abdoul-Madjid

Zango Dekao Cheick Abdoul-Madjid(17 years old)

People should discuss and find compromises

What is peace for you?

Ultimately, I think that peace is the absence of physical, psychological and verbal violence in a community between each person.

People should discuss and find compromises

My name is Dekao Cheick Zango student admitted in class of terminal C at the high school of excellence Allasane Ouattara of Grand-Bassam Peace is not an empty word; but a behavior. This sentence is the first definition of peace that I have heard and this one has changed me. This definition was actually how Félix Houphouët Boigny imagines peace. For the first Ivorian president, to maintain peace we must not only talk about it. To preserve peace, people must have good behavior with their neighborhood.
Today we sometimes hear that peace is the absence of war. However, I think this definition is very limited. In my mind, when we think of peace, we don’t stay on the abolition of war, no, we also imagine a world where everyone looks at the other as they look at themselves, a world where we think of the consequences on life of others before doing something.
In this way, peace for me begins in the community and between the members of a community before growing to the political relationship between heads of state.
Ultimately, I think that peace is the absence of physical, psychological and verbal violence in a community between each person.
After learning what peace is, we need to know what everyone should do to keep the peace.
As for me, I learned think of a manga called Naruto that hate can only cause hate. So people should discuss and find compromises. For example, in the old African tradition, when a conflict happen, the opposing people were agreed under the quarrel tree to resolve the issue with discussion.
The new generation should embrace this age-old process of conflict resolution.
From personal experience, I learn that peace can only be achieved through individual action. Indeed, if everyone acts at their own level, peace will be preserved. Like the act I recommend, people in organizations should make decisions by voting to allow everyone to express their idea, so people shouldn’t struggle to impose their idea. Finally, each person must consider the feelings and ideas of others. These acts will preserve peace between people of the same or different communities, regions or even countries.
So to popularize my system I think the government could teach it in college to show young people the importance of peace and how to preserve it.
This is how I imagine peace and I will fight to preserve peace in the world.