
Mirei Kadonaga

Mirei Kadonaga(17 years old)

Creation of a “Global Medical Call” system to eliminate disparities in healthcare

What is peace for you?

Everyone in the world should
have a smile on their face.

Creating world peace by building a "Global Medical Call" system to eliminate disparities in healthcare, the foundation for smiles.

To me, peace means that all people can smile.
To be a doctor who can make as many people smile as possible, has been my dream since I was a little girl.

When I was 9 years old, I was an escort kid for the FIFA World Cup in Brazil, playing soccer and games with kids from all over the world, including the United States, Iran, Argentina, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Germany, etc. Even though I didn’t understand their language, they all had a big smile on their faces. Even though they did not understand the language, they all had a great time playing together and sharing a great time.
The countless smiles on their faces are still my most precious treasures.
Smiles have no borders.

However, the standard of medical care varies greatly from country to country and region to region.
For example, according to WHO data, in some countries life expectancy is in the 80s, such as Japan, while in others it is in the 50s.
Also, according to UNICEF data, the mortality rate for 1,000 infants is 43 in some countries, compared to 1 in Japan, Sweden, and other countries.

I believe that in order to protect smiles around the world, it is very important to first eliminate the global disparity in healthcare, which is the foundation of life, so that all people, no matter where they are born or under what circumstances, have equal access to appropriate healthcare.

Japan is a country that excels in advanced medical care, has a universal health insurance system, and has a very high level of public awareness of hygiene.

I feel that Japan has a particularly important role to play in the three goals of the SDGs: 3. good health and well-being, 10. reduced inequalities, and 16. peace, justice and strong institutions. I feel that our role is particularly significant.

Therefore, I propose the establishment of a “Global Medical Call” system that anyone in the world can use when they have physical or mental problems.
I would like to create a contact point where people can consult with medical professionals through phone calls or chats, 24 hours a day, from anywhere in the world, if necessary.

By having medical professionals from all over the world working together on this project, even if the time on the side of the consultant is in the middle of the night, it will be possible to
We will build in translation tools so that medical professionals in other countries that are in daytime can respond.

Medical professionals are expected to respond remotely.
So, for example, a medical professional who is raising a child can respond during his or her child’s nap time.

In this way, “Global Medical Call” is a service that can be used by everyone without hesitation, without placing the burden on any particular medical professional.

In order to make “Global Medical Call” available to those who do not have PCs or smartphones, we believe it is necessary to have an “Internet library” where PCs and tablets can be used anytime, just like a “library” where books can be read anytime.
The “Net pavilion” does not have to be newly constructed, but it is enough to be attached to a part of existing buildings such as government offices and libraries.

So, I would like to make a request to all adults.
Your cooperation is essential to the operation of the Global Medical Call.
In particular, I would like to ask those leaders who can have a great impact on society to set up a network or “Net Pavilion” so that anyone can use the “Global Medical Call” anytime when they have physical or mental problems.

There are several other issues that still need to be considered in the construction of this “Global Medical Call”.
So, adults of the world, please lend me your wisdom and power.

If people in need around the world can confide their physical and emotional problems and take care of themselves first in this way, they will surely become kinder to the people around them.
In this way, I believe, the circle of smiles will spread around the world.

Even if the language is different, a smile can be understood by anyone in the world.
When I smiled at a baby I met in India in Japanese and told her she was cute, she gave me a big smile.

There is no difference in the preciousness of each and every life in the world.
Eliminating disparities in medical care will make people around the world smile, in other words, it will be a great stepping stone to world peace.