
Maria Cecília Ishitani Christófolo

Maria Cecília Ishitani Christófolo(12 years old)

Spread awareness about global issues

What is peace for you?

To enable the world to live with dignity.

Spread awareness about world issues, communicate that the world should not be a more peaceful environment.

Hello, my name is Maria Ishitani, I am 12 years old and even though I was born in Switzerland I am Brazilian. I enjoy writing about things in my life and hope to do something that leads me towards a career in which I can use those language skills in the future. The word “peace” can have multiple meanings to everyone in the world. Whether it be getting along well with your friends, or the countries in the world living harmoniously. For me, personally, it is often difficult to think about what the word ‘peace’ can actually mean. Therefore, I think of peace as plenty of different things.
One of the things that I believe means the word ‘peace’ is calmness. Furthermore, whenever I am calm and relaxed, I think of myself as living at peace. I feel calm when I am in my room and listening to music on my bed, or talking with my close friends. However, I consider myself lucky, thus what if other people in the world are not able to live in calmness because of the lack of world peace? Think about it for a second. What if someone in the world right now has to worry about their countries, families and homes getting destroyed? What if someone in the world right now has to worry about the lack of education, jobs, health, and food? What if someone in the world right now has to worry about the violence happening in their home countries? Hence, the word peace to me also means time in which people will not have to worry about this. This makes peace a very important thing to me.
After having said that, the word ‘peace’ is not only a word, and state of mind, but also an idea. World peace will be when the world will be able to live in dignity. No lack of education, food, and jobs. No fear of violence.
I would hope to bring peace to the world by spreading awareness about issues in the world and informing people that even if everyone may come from different countries, speak different languages, and live different lives, we should not make those differences take the best of us and interfere with becoming friends and for the world to have a more peaceful environment. Now I would like for you to think about this. What can you do individually to help achieve world peace?