
Oanthiyaphat Techatanasarnsombat

Oanthiyaphat Techatanasarnsombat(18years old)

Engage and involve children in the Peace Exchange program and establish a Peace Innovation Lab

What is peace for you?

Peace signifies the absence of violence, conflict, or war, in which we could live without any fear or aggression.

Make the global peace pledge, create and let the children join the peace exchange program, establish the peace innovation labs

Greetings to everybody. My name is Oanthiyaphat Techatanasarnsombat. My
nickname is Pream. This July, I will turn 18 years old. The previous school year, I served as president of the student council. I enjoy reading books and learning more about chemistry and global history in my spare time since I am interested in both of these subjects.
It is a great honor to stand before you today as we discuss the profound concept of peace and explore ideas to create a more harmonious world. To provide a foundation for our discussion, let us first clarify what we mean when we talk about peace or being peaceful.
At its core, peace signifies the absence of violence, conflict, or war between individuals, communities, or nations. It represents a state of harmony, in which people coexist without fear or aggression, fostering understanding, compassion, and cooperation among one another.
With this understanding of peace in mind, I would like to share three ideas that we can begin implementing immediately, harnessing the power of collaboration and unity:
Firstly, the Global Peace Pledge:
Imagine a world where every child, at the age of 10, takes a pledge to uphold
peace, resolve conflicts through dialogue, and promote understanding among different cultures. The Global Peace Pledge would unite us in our shared commitment to creating a peaceful world. This event could be celebrated with colorful ceremonies, music, and dance. As we grow older, we’ll always remember the pledge we took and strive to live up to it. Let’s work together to make this dream come true!

Secondly, the Peace Exchange Program
Our second idea is a global peace exchange program, where students from different countries spend a semester in each other’s schools, learning about each other’s cultures and traditions. This program would foster friendship, understanding, and empathy among future generations. Together, we can break down barriers, celebrate our differences, and build a world where everyone feels respected and valued. The connections we forge today will pave the way for a more united tomorrow.
Finally, Peace Innovation Labs: let’s establish Peace Innovation Labs in every country. These labs would be spaces where we, the young generation, can brainstorm, experiment, and collaborate on creative solutions for world peace. We could create apps to facilitate cross-cultural communication, design board games that teach empathy, or organize hackathons to address global challenges. By bringing together bright minds from diverse backgrounds, these labs would inspire innovation that drives peace and harmony.
In conclusion, peace encompasses the cultivation of a culture imbued with tolerance, empathy, and respect for diversity in all its forms, and the Global Peace Pledge, the Peace Exchange Program, and Peace Innovation Labs are three concrete ideas that we can start working on right away. They have the potential to bring us closer to our shared dream of world peace. But we cannot do this alone. Let’s join hands, collaborate, and make our mark on history by creating a world that future generations can be proud of. Together, we have the power to shape a brighter and more peaceful future. Let’s make it happen!
Thank you.