
Sorane Sakihama

Sorane Sakihama(18 years old)

Cooperation among countries around the world to create one history textbook

What is peace for you?

That people all over the world can recognize each other and live with a smile.

Not only to "learn about the past," but also to cooperate with other countries around the world to create textbooks

Yugafu” is an Okinawan word meaning “the world is full of peace and happiness. In my opinion, Yugafu means “for people all over the world to accept each other and live with smiles on their faces. To achieve this, I believe it is very important to respect not only oneself but also each other. I have a reason for thinking this way.

In the spring of 2020, I was studying abroad in France when the new pneumonia epidemic began to spread around the world. Since there were no masks and almost no infection control measures, I was often avoided by people on buses and other public transport, and I was discriminated against many times by so-called Asian people. I still remember the incident of an Asian girl who was assaulted on a bus in a town near me, and I felt the greatest fear of what could happen to me if it happened to me. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about discrimination against blacks. Why does discrimination occur? If discrimination occurs, world peace will never be achieved. Through my own experiences, I have come to believe that “mutual recognition and respect” is very important in order to realize world peace.

Therefore, my idea to bring peace to the world is to “cooperate with other countries around the world to create a single history textbook. This is not only to learn about the past, which is a conventional peace education, but also to cooperate with other countries around the world to create a textbook that will lead to peace. There are countries in the world that are still in conflict with each other. In order to create a textbook, all countries of the world must cooperate with each other. We should not only impose our own opinions, but also understand the opinions of other countries, and discuss and create the textbook. I believe that by working together in this way, we can create a world free of discrimination and prejudice, which will lead to world peace.