
Hitomi Hisamatsu

Hitomi Hisamatsu(16 years old)

A society where people can be who they want to be.

What is peace for you?

Each person should have equal educational opportunities.

Delivering equal education to people around the world. A society where people can be who they want to be.

Hello. My name is Hitomi from Japan. I am a first-year high school student.

I have been out of school since elementary school until I graduated from junior high school. It is very difficult to keep up with my studies if I miss even one day of school. I was very frustrated because I did not have the same opportunities to study as everyone else while I was not attending school. That is why I have a strong desire to do something for children who, for various reasons, are not able to go to school and have lost the opportunity to study.

My idea of peace is that each person should have an equal opportunity for education.
There are people in the world who live in poverty because they cannot have the opportunity to study due to gender discrimination or economic reasons.
I believe that if we can provide equal education to everyone in the world, the world will become a peaceful place.
I hope that children from all backgrounds will be able to become the person they want to be by receiving equal access to education. I want to help children around the world who want to study to be able to do so.

I think what is necessary to realize this is to set up an educational platform that anyone can access as long as they have a device.
In fact, due to the leapfrog phenomenon, even in countries that are said to be underdeveloped, smartphones are widely used. I think there is no way not to take advantage of this situation.
That is why I would like to create an educational platform that is accessible to as many people in the world as possible.

If there are people who do not have access to devices, I would like to form Teachers Without Borders, which would set up a place locally and go there.
I will thoroughly improve myself and build up my strength at all costs to make this happen.